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Banned Books Week

Learn the history of Banned Books, find out which books were banned/challenged this year, and read a Banned Book

Books are not the only things censored ...

Dee Snider Speaks Out Against Censorship at PMRC Hearing

by Banger Films

3 minutes

How Twisted Sister Outclassed Congress

by Weird History

11 minutes

From the beginning of motion pictures (around 1894), the United States government censored films until the 1950s and 1960s when court rulings limited nationwide censorship.  States still regulated films unti the 1980s.  In 1968, voluntary ratings (G, PG, etc) were instituted by the MPAA.  

Film Censorship in the United States - a wikipedia article

A Brief History of Film Censorship - includes a timeline; by the National Coalition Against Censorship


For more information about the ratings system, watch the following:

History of Hollywood Censorship and the Ratings System

by Filmmaker IQ

15 minutes (video qued up to start at 35 seconds in)

Drag Queen Story Time ...

This type of programming in public libraries has made the news.   Should drag queens be reading to children?  Some parents and community members say no.  Others don't see the harm.  Read the articles below.  What do you think?

A Brief History of Drag Queen Story Hour

Wikipedia Article 

How drag queen story hour became a battle over gender, sexuality, and kids