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*Library DIY

Choosing a Database

Databases are simply collections of information. The type of database differs according to the type of works it contains - whether those works are copyrighted and/or freely accessible. 

Database Type
Web Search Engines




  • Appear to be free (no paywall) to use

  • Access is paid for for by advertisements: the company that produces the search engine collects the user's search history data and sells it to companies who then target the user with specific advertisements

  • Cannot retrieve copyrighted publications

  • Search results are governed by algorithms, which can be configured to promote specific results (advertisements, the most popular websites, etc.)

Subscription (aka Commercial or Licensed) Databases 
Burgess Library Databases
  • Password-protected (paywall)

  • Fee-based: Access is paid for by student tuition/fees and/or state taxes (for public universities)

  • Provide access to full-text copyrighted material via sophisticated search systems and user-friendly interfaces

  • The companies that produce subscription databases pay licensing fees to copyright holders (so their material can be legally included), database publishers, and database creators 

Open Access (OA) Repositories

Institutional Repositories (IR; Example: Clemson University's Tiger Prints IR)

Digital Libraries (Example: Digital Public Library of America, DPLA)

  • Free to use (no paywall)

  • Contains some copyrighted work that copyright holders have made openly accessible by waiving restrictions

  • Access is paid for by organizations such as universities or libraries that wish to make certain materials available to the public

  • OA works are often discoverable via Google Scholar or Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)