Provides cross-searchable access to over three million entries from 273 titles and 57 publishers. Features full-text content from hundreds of reference books covering every major subject.
This growing subscription package of over 150,000 titles contains a large selection of multidisciplinary eBooks representing a broad range of academic subject matter.
A database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. These reference materials once were accessible only in the library, but now you can access them online from the library or remotely 24/7.
This growing subscription package includes over 160,000 scholarly titles across academic disciplines.
One search provides one-stop searching for books, eBooks, journal articles, DVDS and more.
Sign in using your SMC email username & password in order to:
All of our eBook collections can be searched via our new ONE SEARCH system. You can also view individual eBook collections below. To access the following eBook collections from off campus, you'll be prompted to enter your SMC email username and password. This is the same username and password you use to access your SMC email or to login to computers at SMC.
All of our research databases can now be searched via our ONE SEARCH system. You can also view individual databases by visiting our Databases A-Z Guide
Use the research databases to find scholarly journal articles, newspaper articles, eBooks, government documents, and more. Using the databases provided by the library will help you find reliable information from trusted sources. A database may be dedicated to a single subject or cover several subjects.
To access the online research databases from off campus, you'll be prompted to enter your SMC username and password. This is the same username and password you use to access SMC email or to login to computers at SMC.
Use subject-related and course-specific research guides created by librarians to assist you with your research topics.
1. To access individual Online Research Databases or e-Book Collections, you'll be prompted to enter your SMC username and password. This is the same username and password you use to access SMC email or to login to computers at SMC.
2. For any electronic resources listed within the ONE SEARCH, you'll be prompted to enter your full SMC email address and password.
What if I'm an online student? Online (distance education) students may request Print books (owned by SMC) found in ONE SEARCH. These books will be mailed to the student's address free of charge (return postage will be included). Email with the following information: name, address, phone number, title of the book, call number.
What if the SMC Library doesn't have the book I'm looking for? Search the collections of college and university libraries across the state with PASCAL Delivers! PASCAL Delivers is now searchable via or new ONE SEARCH system. SMC students, faculty, and staff may request books from other SC college and university libraries and have them delivered within a few business days. You can request up to 50 books at a time with a checkout period of 6 weeks. PASCAL also offers the following:
If you need help with off campus access, please contact us:
Phone: 864-587-4208
One Search searches many of our databases at one time; however, you may also need to search discipline-specific databases to find resources for your literature review.
There are three ways to find databases that will be useful to your research:
Find databases to search within your discipline
Consult the library's research guide in your discipline or area of study to find librarian-recommended databases, reference resources, and web sites in your field.
If you already know the name of your database, you may find it by name here.